Was The Devil One Time An Angel In Heaven?
by Lawrence J. Chesnut, B. Th., D. D., Ph. D.
Lesson 6
I. Luke 10:18 The Words of Jesus.
He said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightening fall from
1. When the Seventy disciples
returned they were radiant with the triumphs which they had wrought in the Name of Jesus.
2. They returned while our Lord was on
His journey to Jerusalem, having been absent from Him only a few days.
3. The Seventy disciples were
telling him their feeling of joy at finding that His presence in their hearts and His name in their mouths enabled them to cast out
evil spirits from the possessed.
4. They rejoiced that more power seems to be granted them over the devil than even His words
promised, which commissioned them to heal the sick and announce the
Kingdom of God is come. Luke 10:9.
5. Note carefully Luke 9:1—“Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.”
6. It is important consideration be given to two words in Luke 9:1.
1—Power—Meaning, Strength, Might, the ability to do or act.
a. Power is the general Word applying to any physical,
mental, or moral ability, whether used or not.
2—Authority—The power to enforce
obedience—right to command or act.
a. Authority, control means power to direct, or act on, or over others.
b. Authority is power used.
3—The Seventy not only possessed the power of Jesus, they exercised this authority in conquering and dethroning, not only the systems of evil, but the very devil that created them. 4—We see them marveling at their own success in their imitation of their Lord.
II. Biblical Explanation of The Statement.
“I beheld Satan as lightening fall from Heaven.” Luke 10:18
1. For scriptural understanding it is very important to keep clear the fact that Jesus did not say Satan fell from heaven, but that he saw Satan as
lightening fall from heaven. To understand the meaning of the little word as, is important here.
1—As—An adverb, which denotes to the same
degree, or extent, equally.
2—Adverb—A word that
extends, or limits the meaning of a verb.
3—Verb—That part of
speech which asserts, declares, or expresses what is said about the subject.
2. Here the overthrow of Satan is compared as lightening
falling—Meaning the comparison is limited to the realm, or area of lightening.
3. Lightening operates, and
displays itself only in the realm of the aerial heaven—Not in the heaven of heavens, where God is.
4. Lightening here used as comparison, displays itself in the realm of the
sight and sound of the human eye and ear.
5. What this text refers to can be seen, heard, and felt by the eye, ear, and feeling of humankind here on this earth.
6. This pin-points, and limits the entire scene, and happening here on earth with Jesus and His disciples.
III. The Meaning of Jesus’ Statement in Text Luke 10:18.
1. “I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven.”
1—This I saw happen in this wise, when I sent you forth.
2—I beheld at that time in the Spirit, Satan fall like lightening from heaven, that is, I then perceived the swift overthrow of Satan from his lofty power in so lively manner as if it were a flash of lightening out of heaven. A comparative illustration only.
3—Jesus saw the swift way in which the forces of darkness and evil was defeated, the fortress of Satan is stormed, and the Kingdom of God is in operation and on its way through the poser and
labors of the disciples.
4—He does not mean to speak of a
vision, as he had no need of such intermediate helps, but he speaks of His knowledge, and speaks of it under a vivid life like form, which the understanding is able to grasp.
5—Jesus Christ saw, in the first success of these servants of His, an assurance of that wonderful, and mighty victory which His followers simply armed with power of His name, would shortly win over paganism.
6—The Seventy returned with joy saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. Luke 10:17.
7—Their Master replied in an exalted, greatly rejoicing, and triumphant manner, telling them how he had been looking, —Not on a few spirits of evil being driven out of unhappy men, but on the King and Chief of all evil, the devil, falling from his sad eminence and throne of power here on earth like a flash of lightening through their labor.
8—Jesus saw, too, in the future, many a contest with and victory over evil in its many forms.
9—He looked on the final defeat, which at length His servants, upon learning the true use of the resistless power of that glorious Name of His, should win over the restless enemy of the souls of men.
10—There is no reference here to the fall of Satan from his supposed angelic estate in heaven.
Lesson 7
I. Consideration Will Be Given to 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6th Verse.
“For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.” 2 Peter 3:4.
“And the Angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” Jude 6.
1. The Author and Date it was written.
1—II Peter was written by Peter A. D. 67
2—Jude was the written by Jude about A. D. 65–68 or about the same date as 11 Peter. The exact date is unknown.
3—The second Chapter of II Peter is almost identical in language and subject with the Epistle of Jude.
4—The larger portion of Jude verses 3–16, is almost identical in language and subject with a part of II Peter 2:1–19.
2. The Epistle of Jude presents one peculiarity which as we learn from St Jerome, caused its authority to call in question, attack by words, and arguments, and to challenge the false in very early times.
3. The supposed citation of apocryphal writings. Verse 9, 14, 15.
1—Apocrypha—Fourteen books or portions of books of the Old Testament appearing in the Septuagint (Greek) and the Vulgate (Latin) Bibles, but not accepted as genuine parts of the Biblical Canon by the Jews.
2—Writings or statements of doubtful authorship or authority.
3—Certain early Christian writings, in the form of Gospel and Epistles, rejected from the New Testament Canon as not proceeding from the source pretended, not genuine, and inferior. not according to, or
4—Not Canonical—meaning prescribed by the laws of the Church.
4. Sep’tua’gint—Meaning the Greek translation of the Old Testament that was made before the time of Christ.
1—Ptolemy II of Egypt is supposed to have brought seventy-two scholars to Alexandria, and in seventy days they are supposed to have completed the translation from Hebrew to Greek.
2—Septuagint—the earliest Greek translation of the old Testament so named from the legend (a narrative based chiefly on tradition) of its composition by 72 translators sent from Jerusalem to Alexandria at the request of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (288–247 B.C.) by the high priest Eleazar.
5. Septuagint—
1—It was natural to begin with the law, and the Greek version of the Pentateuch, (the first five books of the Old Testament) dates from the beginning of the 3rd Century B.C.
2—In the 2nd Century B.C. when it had become customary to read not only the law but the prophets in public worship, the bulk of the second section of the Hebrew scriptures was similarly translated.
3—From the Prologue (a prefactory piece of writing, introduction to Ecclesiasticus) we learn that about 130 B.C. portions of the third division of the Hebrew Bible—the writings were also still existing and known in Greek.
4—But these were private ventures made not so much to meet the need of the Synagogue as those of a public now becoming interested in the growing series of translations of the Hebrew sacred books.
5—As the work of translation went on gradually, the compass of the Greek Bible came to be somewhat indefinite.
6—The law always maintained its pre-eminence as the basis of the Canon; but the prophetic collection changed its aspects by having various writings incorporated with it according to fixed arrangement by subjects.
7—In some books the translators made considerable additions to the original, those to Daniel, and these became a part of the Septuagint.
8—The Septuagint does not keep the triple Hebrew division of law, prophets (which included history) and writings, but groups its books according to subject matter, law, history, poetry, prophecy, a divergence which was important for the history of the Old Testament Canon in the Christian Church.
9—This work was the result of Collaboration and was approved by the Jewish Community in Alexandria.
10—Faced with these facts, it can be seen how the writing of Jude served to quickly arrest the attention, and interest of the Hebrew people.
II. The Book of Jude
1. Written for believers of every age.
2. This last Epistle was written not by an Apostle, but an ordinary disciple, a plain man, of fiery spirit, and filled with prophetic zeal.
3. The Hebrew converts who first receive this most solemn epistle would be familiar with Jude’s references to Old Testament figures and incidents.
1—Unbelieving Israel.
2—Disobedient Angels.
3—Lustful Sodomites.
4—Self-righteous Cain.
5—Greedy Balaam—“The error of Balaam.” For the sake of gain they corrupted the Word of God and refined away its meaning and let down so as to suit the passions of the profligate.
6—Presumptuous Korah. Korah, and his associates opposed the authority of Moses and Aaron. Jude 11 accuses them of murder, covetousness and rebellion against the authority of God.
7—Blasphemous mockers.
4. The epistles of Peter and of Jude have much in common. Both are conspicuous for a bold denunciation of a condition of Apostasy and corruption.
5. This is the only book (Jude) in the Bible recording strife over the body of Moses, and also Enoch’s remarkable prophecy (9, 14, 15).
6. The entire body of teaching of preceding books is recognized and the bold testimony they contain is ratified.
7. The climax of all truth is reached, and a practical appeal and application of it is made to the believers.
8. We find packed into one page an amazing abridgment of Biblical history, and a short summary of the essential, true statements of fact conforming to truth, and genuine reality.
III. The Book of Second Peter.
1. This second epistle of II Peter was meant as a sharp rebuke of the unfaithful among the professing disciples of Christ.
2. The same atmosphere of unrest, suffering and persecution pervades the two epistles first and second Peter.
3. Now, Emperor Nero is about to undertake his fierce persecution of Christians throughout the Roman Empire, and heresies, false teachers, and apostates abound.
4. So Peter utters his last warning before his own Martyrdom at Rome.
5. Tradition says that at his own request Peter was crucified with his head downward. He didn’t deem himself worthy to die in the same way as his Lord.
6. Sketching the iniquity of the last days as Jude does apostasy, Peter utters his last recorded words which is similar in some ways to the Apostle Paul’s last recorded in II Timothy.
7. The characteristic word of II Peter is knowledge, which with its related terms, is used 16 times.
8. Saints are to grow not only in grace, but in knowledge as well. (3:18)
9. Surveying the three chapters as a whole we have:
1—Moral corruption, 1:14—Safeguard remembrance 1:12–13
2—Doctrinal corruption, 1:15–20—Safeguard remembrance 1:1, 15.
3—Victory over corruption, 3:l—Safeguard Remembrance 3:1, 12.
Lesson 8
I. The Angels
“For if God spared not the angels (plural) that sinned, but cast them to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment,” 2 Peter 2:4.
“And the Angels (plural) which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains of darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” Jude 6.
1. Angels—1. Angelic spirit beings. 2.A messenger of God in human body here on earth, experiencing, and proclaiming the heavenly message of the Lord.
2. The Scriptures have reference to the messengers of God, in Human form, living here on earth, leaders of God’s plan, and way, created with the power of choice, to obey or disobey.
3. “Kept not their first estate.” Jude 6.
1—Note, These Angels, leaders, and messengers had power to obey, or disobey. Angelic spirit beings of God never possessed this privilege, or position.
2—“Kept not their first estate.”
a. Estate—Something earthly—No such thing as estate in heaven.
b. What a person owns, earthly property possessions.
c. A condition, or stage in earthly life.
d. The three estates—Nobleman, Clergymen, and common people.
4. “Left their own habitation.” Jude 6
1—Their God given place to live, and spiritual responsibility of leadership to fill.
2—Home. Dwelling, residence, abode, a place of permanent legal residence.
5. “He hath reserved in everlasting chains of darkness unto the judgment of that great day.” Jude 6
1—This could not mean God’s Angelic beings. Angelic beings were not created with, nor granted the power to do their own choosing.
2—Angelic angels of God were and are the Spirit of God in the form of Angelic beings. God is immutable (Heb. 6:17) meaning it was impossible for God to do wrong. Therefore, it being impossible for God to do wrong, and Angelic Angels being the Spirit of God, shows this text does not have God’s Angelic beings under consideration.
3—The Spirit of God could not, nor would not sin or rebel against Himself.
4—This could not mean the Devil’s angels because the Devil, nor his angels has yet been sent to and confined in hell, and will not be until the end of time when Jesus returns. See Scriptures.
a. “And behold, they cried out saying, what have we to do with thee, Jesus thou Son of God? Art thou come hither to torment us before the time?” Matt. 8:29.
b. “Then shall he say also unto them on his left hand, depart from me, Ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” Matt. 25:41. “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beasts and false prophets are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” (Rev. 20:10.)
c. The Devil, and his demons knew there was a time determined by the Divine Judge (God) when they would be sent into eternal torment, and forever be bound in hell.
5—The Angels Jude 6 refers to people that existed, lived, sinned, fell, and was sent to torment during the Old Testament period. Not before, nor afterwards.
6—These messengers of God (Angels) not only went to torment in the place prepared for the spirits of the wicked dead, but they were reserved (kept) in everlasting chains, (restrained, bound) in darkness unto judgment of the great day.
7—Since none of God’s Angelic beings could do wrong and fall, and it being Scripturally true the devil, or his angels will not be sent to hell before Jesus comes, and the Great Day of Judgment, proves that any and all type of the wicked spiritual demons is not intended, nor considered in Jude 6 and 2 Peter 2:4, nor any of God’s Angelic beings.
8—Man is the only creation of God, created with the power of choice, that possessed freedom to obey or disobey, can sin, die physically in his sin, be sent to, and kept in the place of torment, Scripturally called hell or hades, to be confined until the Great Day of judgment.
9—The foregoing being true, we will now go to the Bible to find who these earthly creatures were, when they lived, and the cause of their fall, spiritually and morally.
II. The Angels That Sinned, Who They Were, and When They Lived—Mentioned In 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6.
1. Their record is given Genesis Chapter five, and Chapter 6:1–8.
2. The time and people given in Genesis Chapters 5 and first of the 6th Chapter, has reference to the Old World, Antediluvian World (before the flood) and Primitive World. All of the terms described the first world, meaning time and people before the flood.
3. The Angels of 2 Peter 2:4, and Jude 6 that sinned were the Patriarchs of the Primitive, or Antediluvian World meaning the people and time, before the flood.
4. A Patriarch was the King, Priest, and the Prophet of a numerous family to whom he was to administer justice, among whom he was to perform all the rights and ceremonies of religion, and teach both by precept and example the way of truth and righteousness.
5. The Patriarchs described in Genesis 5 were the Sons of God, the seed of the righteous men who walked with God, and were His prophets, messengers, and leaders, designed to perpetuate God’s divine plan for living and worship.
6. These Patriarchs numbered 10. Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah.
7. Note two statements when determining dates.
1—Anno Mudi B. C. Latin, meaning In the year of the world since the traditional estimated date of the creation.—4004 B. C.
2—Anno Domini—A. D. Latin, meaning the year of the Lord since the birth of Christ. In the year of the Christian era.
8. The Patriarchs—
1—Adam——Created 4004 B. C. lived 930 years. Died.
2—Seth—Born when Adam was 130 years old, lived 912 years. Died.
3—Enos—Born when Seth was 105 years old, lived 905 years. Died.
4—Cainan—Born when Enos was 90 years old, lived 910 years. Died.
5—Mahalaleel—Born when Cainan was 70 years old, lived 895 years. Died.
6—Jared—Born when Mahalaleel was 65 years old, lived 962 years. Died.
7—Enoch—Born when Jared was 162 years old lived 365 years. He—was translated. “God took him.”
8—Methuselah—Born when Enoch was 65 years old, lived 969 years. Died.
9—Lamech—Born when Methuselah was 187 years old lived 775 years. Died.
10—Noah—Born when Lamech was 182 years old lived 950 years. Died.
9. Time of Birth and Date of The Antediluvian Patriarchs.
10. The Term Anno Mundi (after Creation) will be used to determine date of birth and death of the first world Patriarchs in the following section.
1—Adam.............Created 4004......... 930
2—Seth............... 130........................ 1042
3—Enos............... 235........................ 1140
4—Cainan............ 325........................ 1235
5—Mahalaleel...... 395........................ 1290
6—Jared.............. 460........................ 1422
7—Enoch............. 622........................ 987
8—Methuselah..... 687........................ 1656
9—Lamech........... 874........................ 1651
10—Noah........... 1056....................... 2006
12. The date of the flood was 1,656 years after the creation.
13. Purposely, the dates from creation forward are being used to better understand the people, the leaders, their standard, and activities during the time before the flood.
14. Only three of the first world Patriarchs remained righteous, and continued to be followers of God’s original plan of living and way of worship. These three were Enoch, Methuselah, and Noah.
15. The other seven fell away from God’s original plan, sinned, died, and was eternally lost in hell.
16. These are the Angels. (Messengers) that both Peter and Jude was referring to that fell, and is reserved in everlasting chains of darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Lesson 9
I. The Theocracy—God’s Original Plan.
1. A government in which God is recognized as the supreme religious and civil leader.
2. A system of divine, or religious laws taken as laws for spiritual worship and living, and as the civil laws of the state.
3. A government by patriarchs, or priests.
4. A patriarch was the King, the priest, and the prophet, of a numerous family, or people, among whom he was to perform all the rights, and ceremonies of religion as required by the God of Creation, and to teach by both precept and example the way of truth and righteousness, and to perpetuate the same in a pure, holy manner all of his days.
5. The Theocracy—meaning God’s direct rule through His system of patriarchs.
6. In order to keep this line distinct, particular care was taken that where there were two or more sons in a family, the one through whom God particularly designed to bring His son into the world was by some special providence pointed out.
7. Thus in the family of Adam, Seth was chosen; in the family of Noah, Shem; in the family of Abraham, Isaac, in that of David: Solomon and Nathan.
8. All of these God watched over by especial providence from the beginning that when Jesus Christ should come it might be clearly seen that He came by the promise, through grace, and not by nature.
9. From this we see that the line of the Messiah was determined from the beginning, and it was not fixed in the days of Abraham, for the promise was then only renewed, and that branch of his family designated by which the sacred line was to be continued.
10. It is worthy to note that Seth’s posterity alone continued after the flood, when all the other families of the earth were destroyed—Noah being the tenth descendant from Adam through Seth.
II. Their Awful State of Wickedness.
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply, and daughters were born unto them.” Gen. 6:1
1. It was not at this time that men began to multiply, but the writer speaks now of a fact which had taken place long before.
2. As there is a distinction made here between men and those called the Sons of God, it is generally supposed the immediate posterity of Cain and that of Seth are intended.
3. The first (Cain) mere men, such a fallen nature may produce, degenerate sons of a degenerate father, governed by the desires of the flesh, the desire of the eye, and the pride of life.
4. The others were the Sons of God, not angels (Angelic beings) as some have dreamed but such as were according to the doctrine of God, made children of God by the call of God, His providential moving, and influence of God’s Holy Spirit.
5. The former (Cainites) was apostates from the true religion and latter (Sethites) were those among whom it was to be preserved and cultivated. “The wickedness of Man was great. Gen. 6:5.
6. What an awful character God reveals the inhabitants of the antediluvian world manifested. Note carefully.
1—They were flesh (v 3) meaning wholly sensual.
2—Having to do with, or appealing to the bodily senses, rather than the mind and spirit.
3—Caring too much for the pleasures of the senses, indifferent to intellectual and moral interest.
4—The desires of the mind overwhelmed and lost in the desires of the flesh—sin.
5—Their souls no longer discerning their high destiny, but ever minding earthly things so that they were sensualized, brutalized, and becoming flesh—sin.
6—Incarnated so as not to retain God in their knowledge, seeking their portion in this life.
7. They were in a state of wickedness.
1—All was corrupt within, and unrighteous without.
2—Neither the fact, or practice of true religion existed.
3—Piety was gone, and every form of sound word (doctrine) had disappeared.
4—This wickedness was great, “Was multiplied.”
5—It was continually increasing, and multiplying and spreading so that the whole earth was corrupt before God.
6—It was filled with violence. (Gen. 6:11)
7—All decency, and virtue, was abandoned to vice among the lower, and cruelty and oppression among the higher classes being only predominant.
8. All the imagination of their thoughts were evil.
1—The very first form of every idea, the invention of every thought, the very materials out of which perception, conception, and ideas were formed, were all evil.
2—The fountain which produced them, with every thought, purpose, wish, desire, and motive was incurably poisoned.
3—All of these were evil without any mixture of good.
4—The Spirit of God which strove with them was continually resisted, so that evil had its sovereign sway.
5—They were evil continually.
6—There was no interval of good, no moment allowed for serious reflection, no Holy purpose, no righteous act.
7—What a finished picture of a fallen soul, and people.
8—Such a picture as God alone, who searches the heart, and tries the spirit could possibly give.
9. To complete the whole, God represents Himself as repenting (greatly grieved, displeased) because He had made man, and as grieved at the heart because of their sins.
1—So displeased is the most holy, and the most merciful God that He is determined to destroy the work of His hands. “And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created.” Gen. 6:7
2—How great must the evil have been, and how displeasing the transgressions, which moved the most compassionate God, for the vindication of his own glory, to form this awful purpose.
3—Fools make a mock at sin, but none except fools.
4—The whole earth—all people—“And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.” Gen. 6:12
III. The Beginning and Nature of Their (Patriarchs’) Sins, and Falling Away.
1. III—Sorted Marriages.
1—The moral chaos out of which the new order is to be developed gradually, we find these features in the corrupt state depicted—The work of sin.
2—The Sons of God, the seed of the righteous, such men as the Patriarchs described in Genesis Chapter five, men who walked with God, and were prophets, fell away from their allegiance to the Divine order, and went after the daughters of the Cainites.
3—The special form it assumed was that sensuous, gratification, leading to violation of the law of marriage.
4—By and by the Sons of God (God’s divine leaders) captivated by the charm of beauty, cast aside the bonds of self-restraint and took them wives of “all whom they chose.”
5—They married ungodly women, beautiful, like Adahs, Naamahs, and Zillans of the race of Cain, but unbelieving and ungodly, which, as the professing followers of God, they should not have done.
6—Holy Scripture forbids the union of believers with unbelievers, 2 Cor. 6:14.
7—They married to please their fancies, leaving altogether out of reckoning, as necessary qualifications in their partners spiritual relation, or connection, intellectual compatibility, and even general suitability, and fixing their eyes only on what charmed the senses, and physical loveliness.
8—They married as many wives as they desired. Lamech (of the Cainites) the first Polygamist, was satisfied with two. Gen. 4:19
9—The degenerate sons of Seth (Sethites) having yielded to self-indulgence, only limited their wives by their passion.
10—Those who begin by breaking the laws of God are not likely to end by keeping those of man.
11—The self-will and mere carnal affections are denoted by the expression, “all whom they chose.”
2. The Unholy Alliances of the Sethites, and Cainites, resulted in eternal disaster and distraction to the people of the world before the flood.
1—Nothing so demoralizing as marriage with an evil woman.
2—Its bad effects are commonly transmitted to, and intensified in posterity.
3. From the beginning A Characteristic of the wicked line (Witness Cain and Lamech) lawlessness at length passed over the holy people of God.
1—With the Nephilim on the one hand, belonging to the offspring of the degenerate Sethites, the world was overrun with tyrants.
2—Sheer brute force was the ruler, and the only code of morals was, “Be strong.”
4. Moral Purity alone has a God-given right to occupy the supreme seat in influence and power upon earth.
5. The overthrow of this Divinely appointed order results in tyranny, or ruling cruelly, and of all tyrannies, that of strong passion-driven, animalism is the worst.
6. And this was the condition of mankind in these Antediluvian ages.
7. And what was even a worse symptom of the times, the people love to have it so.
8. Corruption deepening—Most appalling is the picture of the historian of the condition of the Adam whom God at first created in His own image, implying—
1—Complete extinction of the higher nature of holiness.
2—Through persistence in the downward path of sin it had at length become lost, swallowed up, in the low, carnal portion of his being, called the “flesh.”
3—Complete supremacy of evil. Evil in the imaginations, evil in thoughts, evil in hearts, nothing but evil, and that not temporarily, but always. Not in the case of one or two individuals merely, but in the case of all, with one exception, Noah.
4—Complete insensibility to Divine influences, hence the withdrawal of God’s Spirit.
5—There was no use for further striving to restrain or improve them, they were past feeling. Eph. 4:19
6—What a sad picture—The Children of God, among whom the true religion was at first preserved, corrupted it by forming matrimonial connections with irreligious women.
7—God displeased with these connections, and their consequences limits the continuance of the Old World.
8—Lesson #9 deals almost exclusively with their standard of morals, wicked connections and wicked living. Lesson # 10 will deal with their religious standard, and manner of worship during the time before the flood.
Lesson 10
I. God’s Original Plan—or The Theocracy.
1. A government in which God is recognized as the supreme religious and civil leader.
2. A system of divine, or religious laws taken as laws for. spiritual worship and living, and as civil laws of the state.
3. A government by patriarchs, or priests.
4. Meaning the direct rule of God through His system of Patriarchs.
5. A Patriarch was the King, the priest, and the prophet of a numerous family, or people, among whom he was to perform all the rights, and ceremonies of religion as required by the God of Creation, and to teach by both precept and example the way of truth and righteousness, and to perpetuate the same in a pure, holy manner all of his days.
6. The first patriarchal form of the new dispensation, the seat, the time, and the manner of worship.
1—There can be no doubt that the seated place of worship under the new order of things was the immediate neighborhood of the Garden of Eden, eastward, within sight of the cherubim and the flaming sword, Gen. 3:24.
2—This primitive holy place was substantially identical with the sanctuary and shrine of the Levitical ritual.
3—It was within the Garden, or its very entrance and it was distinguished by a visible display of the glory of God, in a bright shining light, or Sword of flame, on the one hand, driving away in just displeasure a guilty and rebellious race; but on the other hand shining with a kindly feeling toward its dependents, and smiling upon the typical emblems or representations of a people redeemed.
4—They had stated times, and seasons of worship observing the required offerings.
7. Let us ask. How were the souls of these patriarchs entitled to draw near, so that God manifested His countenance to the inward eye of faith in their spiritual consciousness?
1—By the diligent use of the divinely appointed means.
2—The system of Divine doctrine and worship as far as its forms are concerned, which prevailed in the Church of the Patriarchs, is very dimly revealed to us.
3—But there are many expressions which clearly show that such a system existed.
4—Special seasons, and exercises of worship, such as bringing and presenting of offerings, and manner of presentation.
5—In that system the soul found the way of the tree of life.
6—The spiritual forces, which came forth from the eternal throne, to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation, were ever surrounding the “way of the tree of life,” in the history of the Patriarchs.
7—In the elevating powers which came in response to mediation, prayer and praise, the Cherubic wings made their presence felt during the waking and dreaming hours of the Patriarchs.
8—The Cherubim are real creatures and not mere symbols in the record of the fall of man they are introduced as real into the scenes of reality.
9—For God is said to place, or station the Cherubim at the east end of the Garden of Eden.
8. Observe, the tree of life was not cut down; nor was it destroyed, nor was it withdrawn from the trees of the field—No, the Tabernacle of God was left with men upon the earth.
9. It was still left there, to show that there was still immortal life left for man, though out of his reach in his sinful and disobedient state.
10. Well was the way watched, and guarded until the time should come for approach in accordance with God’s plan, and requirements.
II. The Profanation.
Meaning—1. The act of showing contempt or disregard to something holy.
2. To treat holy things with contempt or disregard.
3. Mistreatment of something sacred.
1. In the days of Enos, Approximately 350 years after Creation, the Bible says, “Then began men to call upon the Name of the Lord.” Gen. 4:26
2. One rendering gives the meaning of this text as, “Then began men to call themselves by the name of the Lord,” which word signify that in the time of Enos the true followers of God began to distinguish themselves, and to be distinguished by others with the term “Son of God.”
3. Those of Adam’s family, among whom the Divine worship was not observed, being distinguished by, “Children of Men.”
4. Many eminent Scholars contend that which we translate began, should be rendered “Began profanely,” or then the profanation began, and from this time they date the origin of idolatry.
5. Most of the Jewish doctors and others were of this opinion, and Maimonides (a leading one), has discussed it at some length in his Treatise on Idolatry, which we will consider carefully.
6. From the days of Enos, or the profanation, idolatry had its beginning.
7. Maimonides—(Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon) A Jewish Philosopher and Master of Rabbinic literature—was recognized as the greatest Rabbinic Authority of his time, gives the origin and progress of idolatry in the following words, which harmonizes with other authoritative records of information.
8. In the Days of Enos.
1—In the days of Enos the Sons of Adam erred with great error, and the Counsel of the wise men of that age became brutish, and Enos himself was one of them that erred, and that error was this—They said—
2—Forasmuch as God hath created these superior leaders (Patriarchs) to perform in the divine dominion, to govern the world, set them on this high spiritual place, and imparted honor unto them, and they are ministers who minister before him, it is meet that men should laud, glorify, and give them honor.
3—For this is the will of God, they said, that we magnify and honor whom-so-ever he magnifieth and honoureth, even as a king would have them honored as they stand before him, and this is the honor of the King himself.
4—When this thing was come up into their hearts they began to build temples unto the stars (leaders) and to offer sacrifice unto them, and to laud and glorify them with words, and to worship before them, that they in their evil opinion obtain favor of the creator, and this was the beginning and root of idolatry.
9. In the process of time.
1—In the process of time there stood up false prophets among the Sons of Adam, which said that God had commanded and said unto them to worship such a star, or leader, or all the leaders, and do sacrifice unto them thus and thus.
2—Build a temple for it, and make an image that all the people, women and children may worship it.
3—And the false prophet showed them the image, which he had feigned out of his own heart, and said it was the image of such a great leader, which was made known to him by prophecy.
4—And they began after this manner to make images in temples, and under trees, and on top of mountains, and hills, and assemble together and worship them.
5—This thing was spread through all the world, to serve images with services different one from another, and to sacrifice unto and worship them.
6—So in the process of time, the glorious and fearful name of God was forgotten out of the mouth of all living, and out of their knowledge, and they acknowledged him not.
7—And there was found no people on the earth that knew ought, save images of wood, and stone, and temples of stone, which they had been trained up from their childhood to worship and serve, and to swear by their names.
8—And the wise men that were among them, as the priests and such like thought there was no God, save the great leaders, and spheres, for whose sake, and in whose likeness they had made these images. 9—But as for God, there was no man that acknowledged him, or knew him, save a few persons in the world, as Enoch, Methuselah, and Noah.
Grace Operating
1. It was impossible that God could leave men to rush headlong to their own destruction without interposing obstacles in their path.
2. In the way of these apostates of the human race he erected a series of barriers to keep them back from perdition.
1—He gave them a gospel of mercy in the promise of the woman’s seed, Gen. 3:15.
2—A ministry of mercy, raising up and maintaining a succession of pious men to teach the ways of God’s righteousness, and warn them against the ways of sin.
3—A spirit of mercy to strive with them.
4—A providence of mercy, measuring out to them a long term of years, yet solemnly reminding them of their immortality.
5—Giving them a chance even after the world was sentenced to destruction, by the erection of the Ark.
3. People of the Antediluvian world straying from the way of God, plunging into gross wickedness, initiating creature and image worship, erecting temples, and offering sacrifices to same, forgetting the God of creation, and continuously refusing to heed the pleadings of the Spirit of God, presenting a hopeless condition, so grieved God that in his wisdom, he determined—to terminate such procedures, and destroy all living Creatures on the earth by sending the flood on the first world, and begin all over again with those who would heed His call and enter the Ark of Salvation which Noah built. It so happened Noah and his family were the only ones that obeyed and entered, and were saved. With this family God began again.
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